Unlike most companies and organizations, the work of Dansk Standard can’t be boxed in a single industry. As a matter of fact, the work of Dansk Standard is per definition spread widely across almost every industry.
This notion had resulted in a corporate website that reflected the organizational structure rather than the corporate brand story, resulting in a lack of hierarchy. With the front page being the main platform for news of all sorts and sizes across departments, sectors and divisions, it was impossible to give all stories the place and space it deserved.
Without a framework to prioritize content, the team was left with a tangle of content that made the site hard to navigate.
Whereas much of the existing content was made as firefighting to answer acute questions and clarify complexities, the aim for the new website was to sift the content and create a customized FAQ site to control the ever-growing amount of content.
This would leave space to get into the core story of Dansk Standard and create a system that enabled Dansk Standard to communicate the right stories to the right people. This system, inspired by a solar system, gave the industry-specific departments of Dansk Standard their own space to communicate with their individual users while simplifying the navigation of the corporate website in the process.
Making the website flexible lead to a further improvement in the site usability and made it possible to reach information on different platforms.
As a part of the redesign of Dansk Standards corporate website, a refreshed visual identity was a must. We introduced a series of icons with a focus on bringing the wave element from the Dansk Standard logo into the icons, in a way which felt natural and instinctive to the brand.